A presentation on PCA is available at the following links:
- Presentation in Google Slides format:
details-onblockchain-2020… - Presentation in PDF format:
This PDF file is digitally signed to confirm file integrity, authenticity and trust. Like all PCA reports, this presentation can be cryptographically verified as the original from PCA. To verify the PDF file, see the PCA Trust Statement with unique digital signature from PCA at this link: pca-trust-statement-pca-
Optionally, we can record the PCA process chemistry report as a transaction on a public blockchain. The benefits to the client of doing this are principally, the building of further trust in their process, product or service. And, promoting in their marketing that their process chemistry solution has been independently verified.
This post explains how to verify the PDF presentation file and view it on a blockchain: Registering PCA Process Chemistry Report Documents on a Blockchain