As markets move away from traditional chemical sales, a trend now accelerated by COVID-19, these digital technologies become more relevant and essential.
PCA (Process Chemistry Analytics) shares data between remote locations. That is why we digitally sign each client process chemistry report with an unique cryptographic public key. The client can trust it is authentic and has not been altered in transit. Trust is essential for digital services such as PCA.
Data upload from the client to PCA is via encrypted Google cloud. It is recommended that the SHA256 checksum (hash code) of the data file be compared at both ends to ensure the file has not changed in transit. PCA can assist with this.
Optionally, we can record the PCA process chemistry report as a transaction on a public blockchain. The benefits to the client of doing this were mentioned in a previous post. Principally, the building of further trust in their process, product or service. And, promoting in their marketing that their process chemistry solution has been independently verified.
Large companies, such as IBM are increasing their use of blockchain during the Covid-19 pandemic. Because more and more data needs to be shared remotely and blockchain cryptography is a powerful mathematical way to trust the source of that data.
Here is a quote from a recent article, “IBM bets on growing blockchain usage during COVID-19 pandemic”.
“As the world becomes more digital as the coronavirus pandemic forces many to work remotely, companies and individuals need to share more and more data. This sharing can be more efficient if the data and the sources that provide it are confirmed, verified and trusted.”
Registering PCA Process Chemistry Report Documents on a Blockchain